Search Problems
Uninformed Search Methods
Depth-First Search
Breadth-First Search
Uniform-Cost Search
Unified formalism leading to A* search (search guided by heuristic)
Uninformed Search Methods(无信息搜索方法)是一组在没有关于目标位置的额外信息的情况下,用于在图或树结构中搜索目标的方法。这些搜索算法不依赖于任何关于目标位置的启发式信息,它们通常用于解决一些简单的搜索问题,如迷宫探索或路径查找。以下是一些常见的无信息搜索方法:
- 广度优先搜索(Breadth-First Search, BFS):
- BFS是一种从根节点开始,逐层扩展节点的搜索方法。
- 它使用队列作为其主要的数据结构,以确保按照层次顺序访问节点。
- BFS保证找到的是从起点到目标的最短路径。
- 深度优先搜索(Depth-First Search, DFS):
- DFS通过递归或显式栈的方式尽可能深地搜索树的分支。
- 它使用栈(可以是递归调用堆栈或显式的栈数据结构)来存储待访问的节点。
- DFS不保证找到最短路径,但通常用于探索所有可能的路径。
- 迭代加深深度优先搜索(Iterative Deepening Depth-First
Search, IDDFS):
- IDDFS是DFS的改进版本,它通过逐层增加搜索深度来避免DFS的递归深度限制问题。
- 它结合了BFS和DFS的优点,可以在不使用大量内存的情况下找到最短路径。
- Uniform-Cost Search(均匀成本搜索)(代价优先):
- 这种搜索方法总是扩展具有最低路径成本的节点。
- 它适用于所有边的权重都是非负的情况,并保证找到最短路径。
- 双向搜索(Bidirectional Search):
- 双向搜索从起点和终点同时进行,向中间点扩展。
- 这种方法可以加快搜索速度,尤其是在起点和终点之间的距离较短时。
Unified formalism leading to A* search (search guided by heuristic)
Reflex Agents
Reflex agents:
Choose action based on current percept (and maybe memory) May
have memory or a model of the world’s current state Do not consider the
future consequences of their actions Consider how the world IS
Can a reflex agent be rational?

Reflex Optimal
Optimality is not defined by algorithm, but by rational behavior.
Planning Agents
Planning agents:
Ask “what if”
Decisions based on (hypothesized) consequences of actions
Must have a model of how the world evolves in response to actions
Must formulate a goal (test)
Consider how the world WOULD BE
Optimal vs. complete planning
Planning vs. replanning
You could figure out the consequences by doing it. But instead, planning considers what the world would be without actually doing it. Simulate many games, execute one. Doesn’t do it in the world, does it in the model. Consequences of action. > Complete – a solution; optimal – best
Search Problems*****
How do we formalize a search problem?

State Space(状态空间)状态空间是所有可能状态的集合,其中每个状态代表了问题的一个特定配置或位置。
Successor function(后继函数)定义了从给定状态出发,通过执行某个动作所能到达的所有可能的后继状态。换句话说,后继函数是从一个状态到其可能的下一个状态的映射。
start state(初始状态) 初始状态是搜索过程开始时的状态。在很多搜索问题中,它通常是已知的,并且只有一个。初始状态定义了搜索的起点,所有搜索算法都从这个状态开始进行探索。
goal test (目标测试)是搜索算法中用来确定一个状态是否为目标状态的检查过程。在搜索问题中,目标测试是至关重要的,因为它决定了搜索何时结束。
Goal test – sometimes more than one state that satisfies
having achieved the goal, for example, “eat all the dots”

Models aren’t perfect.
Too detailed, you can’t solve.
Not detailed enough, doesn’t solve.

State space: > Cities
Successor function:
Roads: Go to adjacent city with cost = distance
Start state: > Arad
Goal test: > Is state == Bucharest?
What’s in a State Space?
The world state includes every last detail of the environment
A search state keeps only the details needed for planning (abstraction)
Problem: Pathing
States: (x,y) location
Actions: NSEW
Successor: update location only
Goal test: is (x,y)=END
Problem: Eat-All-Dots
States: {(x,y), dot booleans} (点布尔值)
Actions: NSEW
Successor: update location and possibly a dot boolean
Goal test: dots all false
State Space Sizes?

State Space Graphs and Search Trees

State Space Graphs

State space graph: A mathematical representation of a search problem
Nodes are (abstracted) world configurations
Arcs represent successors (action results)
The goal test is a set of goal nodes (maybe only one)
In a state space graph, each state occurs only once!
We can rarely build this full graph in memory (it’s too big), but it’s a useful idea
Search Trees
A search tree:
A “what if” tree of plans and their outcomes
The start state is the root node
Children correspond to successors
Nodes show states, but correspond to PLANS that achieve those
For most problems, we can never actually build the whole tree
Different plans that achieve the same state, will be different nodes
in the tree.
Every plan in the tree.
Search ignores most of the tree.
Tree Search
Important ideas:
Exploration strategy
Main question: which fringe nodes to explore?
Depth-First Search
Strategy: expand a deepest node first
Implementation: Fringe is a LIFO stack

How much space does the fringe take?
Only has siblings on path to root, so O(bm)
Is it complete?
m could be infinite, so only if we prevent cycles (more later)
Is it optimal?
No, it finds the “leftmost” solution, regardless of depth or cost
Process whole tree if goal is lower right.
Space: At each level, children of one node at most on fringe, so b.
Times number of layers m. (Small!)
Breadth-First Search

Strategy: expand a shallowest node first
Implementation: Fringe is a FIFO queue

What nodes does BFS expand?
Processes all nodes above shallowest solution
Let depth of shallowest solution be s
Search takes time O(b^s)
How much space does the fringe take?
Has roughly the last tier, so O(b^s)
Is it complete?
s must be finite if a solution exists
Is it optimal?
Only if costs are all 1 (more on costs later)
Tier of best solution. If on right, b^s. Exponential Big. 最佳解决方案层。如果在右边,b^s。指数大。
When will BFS outperform DFS?
When will DFS outperform BFS?
Iterative Deepening(迭代加深)

Idea: get DFS’s space advantage with BFS’s time / shallow-solution
Run a DFS with depth limit 1. If no solution…
Run a DFS with depth limit 2. If no solution…
Run a DFS with depth limit 3. …..
Isn’t that wastefully redundant?
Generally most work happens in the lowest level searched, so not so
Another strategy. Combine best of both.
DFS – successor says if deeper than one, stop.
Really common.

BFS finds the shortest path in terms of number of actions.
It does not find the least-cost path. We will now cover a similar
algorithm which does find the least-cost path.
Uniform Cost Search(代价优先)
Strategy: expand a cheapest node first
Fringe is a priority queue (priority: cumulative cost)
Like breadth first,but with costs
Contours show equal cost.

What nodes does UCS expand?
Processes all nodes with cost less than cheapest solution!
If that solution costs C* and arcs cost at least e , then the “effective
depth” is roughly C/e
Takes time O(b^(C/e)) (exponential in effective depth)
How much space does the fringe take?
Has roughly the last tier, so O(b^(C*/e))
Is it complete?
Assuming best solution has a finite cost and minimum arc cost is
positive, yes!
Is it optimal? Yes! (Proof next lecture via A*)
Let’s say C* is 10 and minimum step size is 2. How deep in the tree? C*/e = 5. How many nodes is that?

The good:
UCS is complete and optimal!
The bad:
Explores options in every “direction”
No information about goal location

All these search algorithms are the same except for fringe strategies
Search Gone Wrong?
Next time – guided search where you know something about direction of solution.